Monday, July 16, 2007

Let's Impeach the President ... In a couple of months

Does George ‘Dubya’ Bush deserve to be impeached? Yea! Should he be impeached? Eh maybe in a couple of months (That’s what Nancy Pelosi is getting him for Christmas!) Recently there has been a great outcry to impeach George ‘Dubya’ Bush. Activist Cindy Sheehan has even announced her candidacy against Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, if she does not introduce or support articles of impeachment against the President. I don’t really understand why Cindy would want to do this. First, Cindy doesn’t even live in Nancy’s district. Second, I have a better chance of beating Nancy Pelosi. Third, if Nancy Pelosi introduced articles of impeachment against GDubbs (what I call George W.) it would divert all attention from getting the troops out of Iraq.

Cindy Sheehan has been traveling the country the past couple of years advocating for a full pull out of troops in Iraq, and now she’s willing to put that on hold to try and get rid of GDubbs. Cindy, could you please work on getting our troops out of Iraq before you lobby for impeachment. Do we really want to see Dick Cheney as President? We all remember when in June 2004 he told Patrick Leahy “go f*ck yourself”. It’s a good thing that Dick didn’t have his shotgun with him. We all saw what he did to his ‘friend’ and fellow Republican Harry Whittington. Just imagine what he would have done to poor Patrick, a Democrat, and the proclaimed “enemy”. I still can’t believe they let that man have a gun. I mean seriously if you can’t tell the difference between a friend and a quail you shouldn’t have a gun. Dick Cheney is also facing his own impeachment compliments of Dennis Kucinich’s HR 333. As we all know Dennis is running for President, and he has about as good of a chance as a monkey (ok, I know George W. got elected but he was a famous monkey with lots of rich friends). He polls about at the same level as Mike Gravel (WHY IS HE RUNNING?????). The trial itself would be a waste of the Senate’s time. There’s a 51-49 breakdown in the Senate (Yes, Joe Lieberman counts a Democrat). As we all know (or should know if you showed up in the 5th grade) it takes 67 votes for conviction. The chances of acquittal are about as high as Dick Cheney’s cholesterol. All his defense team would have to do is not let him talk for about two months.

Impeachment would also weaken the United States’ image abroad (if it’s even possible; hey you can’t say GDubbs never did anything). It would also show weakness that could easily be exploited by terrorist (or even worse ANNE COULTER). The impeachment trial would also pre-occupy the president’s valuable time. You’d be surprised how much effort it takes to screw up foreign policy, run a losing war, metaphorically flipping off the French at every turn. Russia is now threatening to pull out of treaties and stuff if we stop our plans for a missile shield in Europe. If I were GDubbs I would be scared of Vladimir Putin who has a black belt (all he really needs to do is put out a bowl of pretzels and turn on a football game; plus George W. also has a black belt, but he uses his to hold up his pants). Plus ensuring the democratic majority in congress is very difficult. I think us Democrats should thank ‘Dubya’ for helping us regain Congress. We couldn’t have done it without you George! We all remember Bill Clinton’s impeachment. After he was acquitted he had an approval rating of about 60 ( about George W’s IQ). It’s possible, no probable, that the Republicans would make gains after a George W. impeachment. And we really really don’t want that.

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