Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Al Gore for President 2008?

Could it be true? While I'm still undecided about whom I feel would make the best President/Candidate (I can't vote so it doesn't really matter). I think Al should get in the race. It seems right now a majority of Democrats are not happy with all the current candidates. Gore has more experience than all of the other candidates. He served as a Congressman, Senator, Vice President, and an Environmental Activist. Gore has been the leading Environmental Activist of the 21st Century. The most important issues that will be facing the country over the next couple years are (in no particular order): Education, Iraq, Terrorism, Middle East Peace, and Preventing World War III (hopefully not ending it, but Bush still has a year and a half), Social Security, Immigration, “Moral” Issues (republicans and their fancy language), etc. Gore was deeply involved with all the education initiatives of Bill Clinton (back when the Government cared about Education). Gore was also often sent on peace negotiations by Bill Clinton. I feel that a lot of Hillary supporters like her because they feel it will “bring back” the prosperous times of her husband’s administration. I like to think of it like basketball; Al and Bill were the starting players, and Hillary had floor seats. With all this said I think Al Gore is better prepared then all of the Candidates. We (actually I was in the 5th Grade, so YOU) elected (2000), let’s elect him again.

Note: I’ll add more later, and I reserve the right to change my mind

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